Checklist By Tree Service Bay Area For Young Tree Maintenance

When you plant a tree, you will have to follow a specific maintenance routine to ensure healthy growth. You might think that the trees can grow well without any help as they do in the forests. But the idea is incorrect as growing the trees in your garden amidst the urban area is not always favored. You have to provide necessary attention for the growth of the young plant. Routine care will protect the sapling from external hazards and give it enough support to thrive well in the environment.

A regular cleaning session

You clean the interior of the rooms to maintain a healthy indoor environment. Similarly, cleaning in and around the trees is essential for maintaining a healthy atmosphere around the plants. Tree cleaning is a part of the Tree Service in Bay Area, where the workers will collect and remove all the debris around all the trees. The trash includes the dead sticks, fallen fruits, and leaves. After removing the debris, you can inspect the trunk condition to check for pest activity symptoms. If you can notice the early signs, it will be easier to arrange for pest control.

Layering of mulch

When you plant a tree, it becomes crucial to protect the soil from erosion and degradation. Mulch is a layer of any substances that cover the soil surface near the trees. The Tree Service in Bay Area will lay a thick layer of mulch that will help the soil to retain the moisture and prevent the growth of weeds. The mulch laying is vital for trees below ten years of age. Keeping organic substances in the mulch will increase the soil fertility and accelerate the plant growth. The mulch should be at least 3 to 4 inches in thickness. Ensure that the mulch does not remain in contact of the tree as the retained heat and moisture will harm the plant.

Watering adjustment

Even the technique of watering the young plants should follow specific rules for better plant growth. The arborists from the Tree Service in Bay Area can adjust the sprinkler system. The young trees need more water than the older ones. But continuous spraying of water or its accumulation at the base leads to the fungal growth in the trunk that rots the entire tree. The service people will adjust the sprinklers in such a way that the plants will not face direct spray. The workers will also arrange for proper water drainage so that the water can never accumulate anywhere near the tree base.

Tree pruning is important

When the tree is dormant during the winter season, you can call the Tree Service in Bay Area to prune the trees. If limbs of the tree become hazardous to people and property, then you cannot wait till winter. But for the general pruning, winter is the ideal period. It becomes easier to detect the dry branches that are dead and can fall off anytime. There will be little leaves on the tree that will facilitate a better a view of all the branches. To read more Click Here